Ultra Rare - Huge - Garden Quartz Point - 3,100 Grams


@ We rarely get this excited about anything at The Wayfinder Society. However, this is really special and incredibly hard to come by.

Massive Lodolite Point

aka Garden Quartz, aka Inclusion Quartz, aka Landscape Quartz, aka Scenic Quartz, aka Phantom Quartz.

Visually like a diorama, or a fairytale forest, or an underwater world with pops of color and iridescent inclusions. In some places it’s cloudy, in others it’s as clear as a brilliant Fall morning.

At 6lbs, 13oz (3,100 grams) it is huge! No cracks no chips. Well cut. Surface is without stains, scratches, or blemishes

9”H x 4”W x 4”D

*Peace, Harmony and Balance

*Inner Power

*Transformative Power

*Karmic Healing

*Said to increase psychic abilities: clairvoyance, telepathy, and intuition

*Assists towards the discovery of past life trauma



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